Words by Kylie Olsson Photographer Erica Bergsmeds
With the music industry being on its knees during the pandemic Jennifer Akerman AKA Final Child, has used the time wisely by creating some of her best work to date! Her latest track, Dead Romance, shows a maturity to her writing, so it’s little wonder she was asked to write seven songs for the Movie, Chick Fight. With a mystic and aura - something a lot of artists don’t possess these days - Final Child’s start is certainly rising.
Tell us about yourself and what you are up to right now
Right now I’m in New York! Me and my fiancé just drove here from LA! Fun but long drive =) Besides that I’m in the middle of finishing up my upcoming album “Monster” and a bunch of songs I wrote for an upcoming movie! For those who don’t know, I’m an artist/singer songwriter and producer.
What has quarantine been like for you?
Despite having to postpone our wedding, I’ve quite enjoyed these quarantine months. I’ve been able to focus on work without too many distractions.
What would you like to continue after quarantine is over?
Still getting the same quality time with friends. During this time I feel like you’vereally realized how important friendships are and the time we invest in them.
What is the one item you realise you can’t live without?
Lotion! I HATE dry skin haha. That would be what I’d take to a desert island.
One thing that has kept you sane?
My studio and keeping creative.
What have you missed the most?
My family! They all usually come out to LA in the fall and I haven’t seen them now since last Christmas.
First place I will travel to?
Sweden! Going tomorrow actually. Need to see my family!
Who is your celebrity crush?
Natasha Lyonne. Yes, a woman.
Who is the messiest person you know?
Haha. My fiancé is pretty messy.. At least with his clothes!
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen lately?
David Attenborough “A life on our planet” Beautiful and important piece about the environment. A must watch! Available on Netflix.
What would you like remembered about you?
That I always mean what I said and tried my best.
Who is your inspiration?
So hard! I get inspiration from so many people.. Any one who works hard, is authentic and doesn’t give up.
What’s your annoying habit?
That I’m too nice and say yes to too many things sometimes ha!
What is it about the way you do what you do, that you feel might separate you from others?
I try not to rely on other people. I taught myself everything I wanted to learn so I was able to reach my goals without anybody else.
Which song you have written is your favourite and why?
Hard question cause you always like the latest one you wrote the best. But I will probably never get sick of The Wounds. It was the first song I rebased under Final Child and it means a lot to me.
Which song did you have the most trouble writing?
The ones I haven’t released yet!
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while working on a song?
It's both weird and surreal when a song just comes to you. From an emotion to words and production. Its the most amazing feeling ever!
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Spend time with my fiancé or workout.
What is next for you?
Release more music, get married, have children and live happily ever after! =)
Jennifer’s Instagram : @Iamfinalchild
Instagram : @Iamfinalchild