Nina Nesbitt
Photographer Erica Bergsmeds
Interview by Maila Reeves
This half Scottish half Swedish beauty and super talent, Nina Nesbitt, singer / songwriter / producer is currently making her 3rd album, binge watching Peaky Blinders and raising a puppy. She talks to Blowout about the new single and her life.
You have a new single release this month, tell us about it and the process/ story behind it?
Yes, it's called When You Lose Someone. It's the first song I'm releasing from my upcoming album and is probably one of the most personal. For me it was about experiencing grief but I hope people can take the song into their own lives however they want. I wanted people to be able to relate to it whatever kind of loss they're experiencing. It was quite an easy process, which is always nice, the song pretty much just wrote itself within an hour. I was in Sweden visiting my family and did a writing session one of the days I was there. I hadn't planned to write the song that day but I feel like it was something that needed to come out as it felt very cathartic.
Sleeve by Emma London Vibe
Tell us why and how you ended up in the music industry
It was kind of an accident! I always loved writing songs but I was a very shy singer and performer. I set up a youtube channel because it was less nerve wracking than singing in front of a physical audience and built a following while I was at school. I then got discovered by a few older artists and they gave me the opportunity to support them on tour. It was a whirlwind entry into the music industry but I think it taught me a lot. I still can't believe it's my job and I've been doing it for 10 years now.
Sleeve by Emma London Vibe
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while working on a project?
Probably on the last album. I wrote and produced a song called The Moments I'm Missing in my bedroom and released it as my first single. A couple years later two DJs got hold of the vocals and completely remixed it but I had no idea until people started tweeting me from Ultra Music Festival in Miami. It was such a flip of the song but I loved it. It ended up being one of my most successful songs on Spotify and I even got to go to Mexico City to sing it live with Whiteno1se. It was such a cool experience!
What’s the most fun project you have done and why?
Probably the last album. It was quite a solitary experience and making it was difficult at times but it was definitely one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. It brought me so much joy and so many cool experiences. I got to see the world because of that album.
Whats the funniest story you have from your life?
Oh god - there's been a few! Recently I started driving and while trying to drive to the supermarket I accidentally drove on to the Euro tunnel to go to France. I have so many tragic stories and these things constantly happen to me. I think I'm cursed.
Sleeve by Emma London Vibe
What is the one thing you’d like to be remembered for?
I'd say creating things but I also try not to worry about it too much because the planet has been here for billions of years and even if we are successful we won't be remembered for long in the grand scheme of things, which I think is kind of comforting. So I just try and enjoy what I'm doing.
What is it about the way you do what you do that you think separates you from others?
I think my strength is my storytelling. I've always loved writing very lyrical songs and try to approach big subjects and feelings from a different / new angle.
How do you positively contribute to our environment and “helping the planet”?
Something I did in the past couple years was massively cut down my fast fashion purchases. I'd say 90% of my clothes now are vintage. I prefer it because they're usually one-offs and much better quality. I've tried to cut down on meat too and really enjoy cooking veggie meals. I'm far from perfect but I think we can all do our little bit and keep learning how to improve.
Sleeve by Emma London Vibe
Who is your inspiration?
Any strong woman in this industry. I've always been inspired by Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton, Rihanna, Debbie Harry - the list goes on. I know what it's like to be a female in this industry and I think they've all navigated it so well.
What has kept you sane during these strange times?
Cooking! I was literally the world's worst cook pre-pandemic. You'd be lucky to get pasta with dolmio sauce. I've since become quite the chef which my boyfriend & dogs are very happy about. It feels very meditative and I completely switch off from everything while doing it.
Most interesting thing you have read or seen lately?
I read Many Lives, Many Matters last year and it's the last book I finished. I also loved The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and also The Artists Way - which I'm yet to finish.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
I love cooking so much. To be honest that's about it because any spare time I have i'm either writing or doing social media stuff. There isn't much down time!
Follow Nina on instagram @Ninanesbitt
Stylist Emma Lehane @emmalondonvibe
Make up Ninni Mighty @ninnimighty
Photographer Erica Bergsmeds @ericabergsmeds
Watch Nina’s Latest Video below.