Kylie Olsson
Whilst most were baking banana bread, learning a new language or just making the most of being able to do nothing, Kylie, decided to take up a lifelong ambition of learning how to play the guitar. As a TV presenter and music journalist for the likes of SKY Arts and MTV she has interviewed some of the biggest and most exciting names in music from The Rolling Stones, Def Leppard, Jimmy Page and more but has always wanted to play guitar herself. It was of course then, a natural progression to launch her own show called ‘Life in Six Strings’ where she interviews some of the most famous and revered six stringers about their life in strings and then they give her a bit of a lesson.
Photo by Erica Bergsmeds
‘I’ve always collected guitars…’ she says from our studio surrounded by her collection, ‘most of my friends play guitar so I guess on an unconscious level I was building to this point where I knew I’d always have one on speed dial to ask how to do something on the guitar’… her laugh is infectious and its hard not to wonder what her life must be like. A female in a very male dominated world that has somehow manged to navigate her way through it and become one of the most respected in her field.
Which poses the question, how did you get started and what lead you down the path of specialising in Rock Music?
It wasn’t easy. I started by making teas and coffees as a TV runner and then slowly worked my way up to producing shows and it was whilst I was doing this that I got approached about being on camera. I’d always wanted to work with music and have always had a love from rock music so I started to work at Global Radio as at the time they owned Planet Rock (the only commercial classic rock station in the UK). I was covering film premiers for them and various other events like Capitals Jingle Bell Ball but my heart was always with rock music so I slowly built up contacts in that area. It was meeting a friend of mine called Malcolm Dome, who was a legendary music Journalist, that really helped open doors by encouraging me to start writing – which resulted in him putting me forward for writing jobs with Classic Rock Magazine and then eventually us writing a book together called ‘The Art of Metal’ which was published by Omnibus.
Photo By Erica Bergsmeds
How has music had an impact on your life?
I can’t even begin to count the number of times music has saved me…. During break ups, motivation slumps and more recently a Pandemic. I really can’t imagine what a world without music would be like. It brings people together and can make you feel like you are part of a group just by sharing the same sonic interests – now that is the power of music, it unites us. I just love it.
What are you up to right now?
Right now I’m focusing on turning my youtube series into a TV series. I’ve shot a few episodes across the US so that is really exciting. I’m also working on The Brits and am developing a few other series. And of course, practicing my guitar every day.
Photo By Erica Bergsmeds
What is the one item you can’t live without?
Music. And my guitar. I take it with me everywhere. I now have a little travel guitar so If I’m away for long periods of time It comes with me everywhere. There is now no excuse for not practicing.
One thing that has kept you sane the last 12 months?
My guitar! Honestly, launching my youtube series ‘Life in Six Strings’ was the greatest form of therapy. I really built some incredible bonds with other musicians, but lets get something straight here, I’m not trying to be a musician and do this as a career, I’m purely doing it for fun but it does feel like I’ve joined a club. I have a whole new group of friends where we nerd out discussing guitars and guitarists.
Photo By Erica Bergsmeds
What is your favourite memory and why?
I have a lot of great moments but one of my all time favourites was going to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction in New York when Def Leppard were inducted in 2019. They invited me to their after party and it was just for family and friends so was a super intimate affair. I walked in and started chatting to Brian May from Queen, I’ve interviewed him a few times so we know each other, the next thing I know Stevie Nicks, Joe Elliott (singer of Def Leappard), Chris Isaack, Brian and I are all singing around a piano. It was hands down one of the most surreal nights of my life!
When this crazy ride is over what is the one thing you’d like to be remembered for?
That I played a part in keeping the music alive. I do very in-depth interviews and in a weird sort of way it’s like I’m a music historian who is archiving some of the worlds greatest talents. Does that sound pretentious? I’m just a huge music fan and love what I do. As you pointed out before I’m a woman in a very male dominated world so I’d also like to think that I inspired other women to just do what they are passionate about. It doesn’t matter if there wasn’t another female to pave the way for you. Sex shouldn’t come into it just be the best you can be and then hopefully you’ll get noticed. It’s not easy though and of course I’ve had my fair share of crap like ‘she is only there because of the way she looks’ or ‘she has slept with someone’ - all comments a man would never have to endure - but just keep your head high, have selective hearing and keep your eye on the prize. By the way, most of those comments have always been from other women, which kills me. AND, those women are the ones who are on their socials saying they are feminist and women have to support each other.
Photo By Erica Bergsmeds
What’s your most annoying habit?
If I’m into a song I play it to death! To the point where if it comes on in my house everyone moans and leaves the room.
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while working on a project?
I was interviewing someone at The Big Chill Festival, and I noticed that everyone around me was sniggering. I ignored it for a while but then I started to get paranoid and then when I saw the camera woman laughing, I thought something must be up here. As I looked down at the guy I was chatting to I realised his friend had come over and pulled his trousers down and everything was ‘hanging out’. I don’t think I have ever laughed so much.
Photo By Erica Bergsmeds
Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
To be working with guitars full time! My dream would be to work with a brand like Gibson Guitars creating video content for them.
What’s next for you?
Working on the Brit Awards and focusing on making ‘Life in Six Strings’ even bigger and better.
To check out ‘Life in Six Strings’ and more on what Kylie is up to go to and
Photographer Erica Bergsmeds