10 Minutes with Iraina Mancini
Let us introduce you to Iraina Mancini, a talented London born and raised singer and Dj. As if her extraordinary talent wasn’t enough to make us jealous, she is also a muse for many designers, brands and artists due to her striking beauty and vintage style. She talks to Blowout about life and her new single ‘Lovers in the Dark’.
Dress: Hippie Shake
Tell us what you're up to now and what is next?
I am now working on getting my live set sorted. I have a great band of super talented musicians so I am rehearsing up with them at the moment. Singing on stage is my absolute favourite so I can't wait to get back out there. Also heading to LA soon to work on some music and shoot a new music video for my next single 'Do it (You Stole The Rhythm )' I can’t wait to get inspired in that sunshine!
What was the inspiration for your new single?
I was totally inspired by Ye-Ye Girls French pop, psychedelia and vintage cinema.
Where are you in 10 years?
I would like to be still making my own music and singing gigs to crowds all over the world. I'd hope I was still spinning records, making people dance and presenting my radio shows. I've always had a secret dream of designing my own vintage inspired clothes line as well..shhh don't tell anyone! I'd like to be in love and have a load of gorgeous crazy kids.
Biggest regret in life?
I know people say you shouldn’t have regrets but there is definitely a couple of things I wish I’d done a little different… Lousy ex boyfriends, that time I decided to cut my own fringe with kitchen scissors ..But the main thing I regret is not having more faith in my abilities and listening too much to what other people said. I would say to anyone young- be fearless and don’t let insecurities hold you back.
What would your 16 say to yourself now?
She would say "wow, what fun you’ve had!"
Outfit: Hippie Shake
What is the one thing that you wish you could do to look after the environment?
I’ve started to bring a re-usable coffee cup to my local coffee shop as my alarming addiction to coffee was seeing me chuck 2/3 cups in the bin every day.
Best bit of advice you have been given?
I love Eckhart Tolle and all his books..His whole idea of living in the now and not carrying the burden of the past or future was a powerful lesson for me. I certainly did that for a long time and it's a waste of energy, let it go and live in the moment.
What makes you happy?
So many things make me happy! Discovering a new rare soul record I’ve never heard, writing songs and hearing them come alive in the studio.
Leopard top: Guess
If you weren’t scared what would you do
If I wasn’t scared I would cut all my hair off.. Honestly, I have always wanted to go for a twiggy meets Rosemary’s Baby look but I don’t have the guts. I have really thick hair that sticks up so there's a chance I could look more Worzel Gummidge!
Leopard top: Guess. Headphones Urbanears
What should you focus on today or tomorrow?
Well, as I said in the earlier question, don’t focus on either, focus on the present. People can spend so much time dwelling on the past and the future that they forget to concentrate on making the day their living in special.
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Photographed by Erica Bergsmeds
Styling by Lalla Bronshtein
Hair and make up by Ninni Marklund using Delilah and Dermalogica
Brands : www.urbanears.com www.thehippieshake.co.uk . www.guess.com