SLAY in 2020
You’re ugly, you’re fat, you’re not good at your job and nobody likes you. This is just some of the daily abuse that I inflict on myself but I’ve decided that 2020 will be the year that this all stops. I’ve had enough of the constant bullying and want to put an end to the negative chatter inside my head, or at least dial it down a notch. And that’s why I’m turning to mindset coach Poppy Delbridge and have decided to try one of her SLAY City Retreats for the day to set me on the right path.
Picture Erica Bergsmeds
The SLAY retreats are a roving retreat which can vary in location and duration, the one I wanted to try was the day retreat at the amazing BHUTI in Richmond which was voted as one of Vogues top places for wellness last year. Poppy, launched SLAY to help women to learn how to find time for themselves, focus on the goals we want from life and manifest the life that we always dreamed we would have. Hopefully leaving you with a new way of thinking with a new approach to the world around you.
It’s an informal affair and is for women only, which I like, and as we all gather into a cosy room with sofas chatting and drinking herbal teas Poppy introduces herself and talks a little bit about her background which is impressive to say the least. She really has done it all; had cancer, found herself a single mother in her mid-twenties and yet still managed to manifest an impressive career as an exec at Warner Bros, met the man of her dreams, now has her own production company and runs SLAY retreats alongside that. She is a pretty good advocate for what she is ‘preaching’ that’s for sure. Whatever she has done to get to where she is I want to know her secret!
We then go around the room explaining who we are and what we would like to change about ourselves. Now, I’m not one for talking about myself in groups but there was something so supportive and nurturing about this circle of women that I didn’t have a problem with it.
Our next task was to write a kind of dairy entry on what our perfect day would look like. Its funny as its all the things I think about on a daily basis but somehow putting pen to paper makes it seem more real and really helps with manifesting your dreams. It’s then time to break for a healthy lunch and then some EFT/Tapping. Now i’ve got to admit that I was a bit of sceptic as to wether this really works as I couldn’t get my head around how tapping certain parts of your body whilst repeating the words that poppy says can help with anxiety. That was until we watched her heal one of the other women in our group as we all follow along to learn the basics of how to use it at home on our own. And I have to say I was so impressed with what she did that I booked in for a private lesson with her. It really has been life changing and I couldn’t recommended it enough.
Picture Erica Bergsmeds
The amazing day was then capped off with a relaxing and spiritual Sound Gong Bath session with the lovely April and I was so relaxed at this point that I feel asleep. I decided to book in for a massage at the end of the retreat just to make sure I was extra relaxed and this really helped with wash away any bits of stress that may have been lurking. That night I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well.
Picture Erica Bergsmeds
I’ve tried lots of different therapies over the years from CBT to healing but I have to say that SLAY retreats are in a different league. I’ve never felt so motivated and clear in my head and with this new found clarity I can feel that this has opened me up to new challenges and to accept myself for who I am and that being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others.
Poppy holds her SLAY retreat all over the UK and her next one takes her as far as Marrakesh but if that’s not your thing then she also runs online courses. Head to her website to find out more and get ready to SLAY in 2020!
Words by Kylie Olsson
Where –
Cost – starting at £195