Elizabeth Healey

Elizabeth Healey

The stunning Elizabeth Healey is the epitome of ‘portfolio’ when you think of a career. An actress, appearing in block buster movies like Marvel’s Dr Strange and indie gems like Across The River, a television reporter, a radio host for JACK RADIO, a podcaster, a film director and a screenwriter! Oh and did we mention she has a PhD in neuroscience and travels the world reporting for the award-winning documentary THE CURE, exploring global innovations in health and science.  Yes we know! She wears a lot of hats and we honestly love her in every single one of them.


Elizabeth tells us:

It might seem from the outside that the things I do are unrelated but that couldn’t be further from the truth  - the one thing that binds them all is my fascination with people, everyone has a unique story to tell and it’s what compels me I guess.  I just love telling stories - be it real life or scripted drama. Stories connect us, they allow us to explore what it really means to be human - to bring into the light our frailties, our magnificence, our imperfections - and help us understand ourselves a little better. There is nothing more compelling than a good story.


The conversation moves to a more serious topic and she tell us:

Lockdown is bitter sweet - to begin with, like a lot of people it was such a shock.  Not being able to see family in particular was very tough.  I usually travel a lot and much of my filming work had been postponed so suddenly I found myself at home, with an empty diary. Like lots of us I was forced to slow down, take things day to day and I started to appreciate the simple things much more. 

Then I volunteered with a homeless charity called UNDER ONE SKY feeding those still on the streets in central London during lock-down.  We decided that what was happening on the streets needed to be documented somehow,  so started to film.  I never really appreciated the gravity of the London homeless situation until COVID-19 hit. Some people I met were sleeping rough for the very first time, suddenly finding themselves without a job because of the pandemic - homelessness can literally happen to anyone. We hope the documentary called ‘I AM STILL HERE’ will help shine a light on the crisis. Luckily we now have the BAFTA winning producers Misfit Entertainment on board so we are hoping to spread the issue to wide audience. 


 What is your favourite memory and why?

Swimming in the Galapagos Islands with a manta ray - incredible. 

What is the one item you realise you can’t live without?

My dog Leo, best purchase ever. 

One thing that has kept you sane?

Simply getting outside - I just feel better. I’ve always been an outdoor person but lockdown brought it clearly into focus. I know I am not the only one who has realised this. 


What have you missed he most?

Being spontaneous - I love travel, meeting new people and the cinema ! - that’s been a definite no-no this last year. 

First place you will travel to when things are back to normal?

Anywhere by the sea. I love the Devon/Cornish coast. 

Who is your celebrity crush?

I don’t really have one, but anyone who speaks truth to power. - it’s a very attractive quality. 

Who is the messiest person you know?

I couldn’t possibly say, I’d never be forgiven. 


What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen lately?

The devastatingly moving film VIRUNGA by Grain Media on Netflix. It’s all about a group of people who in the midst of war, risk their lives to protect the last mountain gorillas. Brilliant filmmaking. 

What would you like remembered about you?

That I loved and was loved. 

Who is your inspiration?

Anyone who’s fallen down and picked themselves up.

What’s your most annoying habit?

Doing too much - I find it hard to say no.


What is it about the way you do what you do, that you feel might separate you from others?

That’s a tricky question - but maybe being able to seeing things from someone else’s perspective. 

Whats the most fun project you have done and why?

Making a table out of paper mache - years later it is still standing!

What do you like doing in your spare time?

A good book is hard to beat. 

What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while working on a project?

Wrestling with a fake 10 foot crocodile in Thailand and travelling with an armed guard into the ganglands of El Salvador. 


Where are you in 5 years and in 10 years?

 I have no idea - as long as I am always learning I’ll be happy. 

What is next for you now?

Well firstly there is finishing up ‘Finding Dad' a beautiful little film I exec produced about a young woman searching out the father she never met - luckily we managed to squeeze the filming in just before the third lockdown hit in December. Then, fingers crossed,  'The Liar,' a film version of Stephen Fry’s very funny best-selling novel will be shooting this summer. The cast is comedy royalty - Asa Butterfield, Tom Wilkinson, David Walliams, Sally Philips - it’s a lovely lineup to be part of and hopefully launching a new podcast for book lovers.  2021 is filling up nicely. 


Photographed by: Erica Bergsmeds

Hair and make up: Ninni Marklund Mighty

Producer: Noha Ismail

Follow Elizabeth on Instagram @Elizabeth_Healey

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