Louise Reid the Woman's Health Coach behind 'EEM'
What is ‘EEM’? I hear you all asking… ‘EEM’ stands for ‘Energy Enhance Method’ and the whole point to it is to help strong, high achieving women maximise their achievements and feel amazing while doing it.
Louise Reid has created her 3 month 1:1 ‘EEM’ coaching course because nothing like it existed when she needed it in her banking career. She’s on a mission to give women clarity and stop them feeling unsatisfied at work and in their home life. Helping corporate woman reach the next level in their career by upgrading their mindset to high powered feminine energy.
If you are feeling tired, annoyed or confused about how you can move forward, clearing the path for you to be the real you and not allow your work to get in the way of that ever again is the way forward. Visit @iam_louisereid on Instagram and click on the link in her bio to fill in the form or email her loulahealthcoach@gmail.com and begin your journey with enhancing your energy.
Before you do that though, lets get to know a bit more about the lady behind it all…
‘Change your mind to change your life’
How did your professional life begin?
I was in Investment Banking in London for 10 years. It was a natural progression for me straight out of school having spent plenty of time gaining work experience in this area during holidays etc. I loved the work and I was lucky enough to have a great team and great management, but I was always so tired and so stressed in what was a very masculine environment.
What made you move into ‘Wellness’?
When expressing how exhausted I felt to my co-workers, mostly men, the response was them laughing and saying “welcome to banking!” I felt there had to be more to it than that and didn’t want to be like the men in the industry, not asking for help and ultimately burning out.
In 2013 I went on holiday to Bali and whilst there I had an epiphany, it was a complete knowing a real fire within me telling me that what I should be doing is helping people. Then wasn’t the right time though, but it started me on my journey, 3 years spent reading and educating myself.
‘See the lesson and in time, you’ll see things were actually going right all along’
What should I expect on your EEM course?
3 months of a one to one training program with weekly videos and guided calls as well as a helpful app. It’s all about pushing high achieving, career woman towards their career and life goals without feeling shit!
How do you suggest people improve their self esteem?
Set achievable goals for yourself within your work and life.
Use what I call the ‘Best Friend Technique’ Imagine it’s your best friend going through all the rubbish…what would you say to them?
How are you finding people’s reactions during this time of covid?
There are less people approaching me with ‘burnout’, they have more freedom to walk away from their laptops. Although, there is a loss of autonomy and people are anxious with the constant changes. When Christmas in England was effectively cancelled I had several clients in tears.
Not having activities that consume your attention has lead to anxiety, many have therefore turned their attentions to online crafting clubs and similar. I’m definitely an advocate for not allowing yourself to suppress your feelings, let them out, I fully support a good scream or punching a pillow! If you allow it to fester you will become ill.
Why and how do you do your job in Bali?
I got to my late 20’s, I never reached burnout but I felt a change was now or never! So, I saved to go travelling for a year on the lookout for a sign. I started out in Bali and just found that I kept returning there and then I met my now husband. Its a very spiritual place and many health and wellness coaches reside here. Everything I do is on-line, so it’s easy for me to work remotely.
“Bali is a very spiritual place”
Who was the most influential person in your life?
My Grandmother, she embodied all she wanted to be, still, steady, poised and fair. As well as people like Tony Robins and Oprah Winfrey of course!
What is your biggest fear?
Being kicked out of Bali as I’m only on a visa. It would mean loosing my family and my home. With everything as it is these days life is so unpredictable.
If you had just 3 wishes what would you wish for?
To have children
For the American approach to corporate life to disappear… but then perhaps my job wouldn’t exist!
Health and happiness for all in the world
Does your mindset ever falter?
YES! Always feeling good just doesn’t exist, but I do practice what I preach. When I’m over thinking things I remind myself that I’m safe. I write down my fears and what I would do about them, this shows that there is always a solution.
What’s the first question you ask your clients?
What’s their number one goal?…. it’s harder than they think and generally they give me several, after talking it through with me, we narrow it down to that one true goal.
Would you rather have a ‘Rewind’ button or a ‘Pause’ button?
‘Rewind’ so I could make better choices earlier on in life. I still think I would have ended up where I’m at now.
What inspires you?
People that are happy and content with themselves, embodying their highest self, the best version of them.
What has been your biggest challenge, was it making the move to Bali and giving up your London life?
No, not at all, my biggest challenge was putting out my first post on social media for my new business, about 3 years ago now, announcing that ‘I help women reduce stress’. It’s a big statement and I thought I would be laughed at!
What is next in the wellness world?
Masculine and Feminine energies. Every human has both, they’re not assigned to gender and they are equally valuable, necessary and wonderful.
What headline would you give to your story?
Laughing she says “Queen Louise achieves her dreams” or “Be at ease with Louise”.
After my chat with Louise, I think anyone would feel comfortable working with her on achieving their goals and learning how to enhance their energies in the correct way for them. When it comes to retraining your mindset, it is certainly easier said than done, there is no quick fix, it takes time and Louise’s ‘Energy Enhance Method’ may well be the one that works for you.
Interview and portraits by Dawn Collins