Julian Vigil

Julian Vigil

Meet Julian Vigil, a Swedish musician with a spicy latin background and a soft guitar touch.

Hi Julian! Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a musician and a pedagogue. When I’m not working as a pedagogue at the youth theatre Unga Klara in Stockholm, I work as a musician and composer. I’m currently working with the music company Prisma Music Group, PMG, who are now currently releasing fantastic music from unbelievable artists on digital platforms such as Spotify. 

Up until now, I was releasing music under pseudonyms and in different music groups such as Tranki, Caro & El Club and other constellations.

Tell us about your new album and what music means to you

I’ll be releasing music with PMG, with my own name for the first time, which is really exciting! The tracks will be released as singles with a few months between each release, and my last single was released on the 7th of May this year. 

Music for me is expressing the ways we feel and the things we want to say, but have a hard time finding the right words for. To release music in my own name, I can finally go back to why I fell in love with music, which was my love for instrumental music on acoustic guitar.


How important is sustainability and helping the world to you? Inspire us with anything you do for the environment.

It´s vital for us as adults to inform ourselves about how we are affecting the planet and what we as a society can do, as well as how we can positively impact the planet as individuals. We´re only here for a short time and we lend the planet for the next generation, that´s why it´s important for me to not own a car, to only travel by plane when I have to. I also recycle, rarely eat meat and fish and I try to buy local made products as often as possible.

What is the one item you realise you can’t live without?

Love, but that´s not a thing, so I´ll go with pasta, which on the other hand is another form of love. I’ve recently learned to cook by original Italian recipes and I eat pasta about four or five times a week. An amazing invention!

What is your favorite memory and why?

My favorite memory is the birth of my three kids. To see new life being brought to earth and to see them grow, to develop and to know them is the greatest thing I´ve experienced.


What have you missed he most during covid restrictions?

Hugging my mom! Going to concerts and to movie theatres. I miss going to parties and dancing with my friends. I also miss meeting people face to face. As many others, I´m really sick of online meetings. On the other hand, I´ve started running and working out a lot more, being in nature and going on walks, so there are upsides with the pandemic too.

First place you will travel to when things are back to normal?

I don´t long for a special place, but more about what I want to do when I´m there. But I definitely long for the Swedish archipelago, and to travel to Italy to learn more about pasta and the Italian cuisine. 

Who is your celebrity crush?

This one is hard, but I think I´ll have to go with Michael Jackson.

Who is the messiest person you know?

My ex-wives ha ha, no I´m joking. The messiest person I know must be my daughter Lucia, but she weighs it out with other fantastic personality traits, so it´s not so bad after all.


What is the most interesting thing you have read or seen lately?

Seaspiracy and My Octopus Teacher which I recently saw on Netflix. Fantastic documentaries about the relation between us humans and the animals, the sea and with ourselves.

What would you like remembered about you?

I wish to be remembered by my generosity as well as my loving and caring personality. 


Who is your inspiration?

My kids. My friends. Love. Music. Nature…and pasta ha ha.

What’s your most annoying habit?

I bite my nails when under pressure. Really bad habit!

What is it about the way you do what you do, that you feel might separate you from others?

Every individual is formed differently and that produces a completely unique person. No one is like another person. If you let your experiences be a good thing and let them create things, instead of just pleasing everyone, there is a lot more room for a work that is more genuine for you. That´s what I’m doing right now with my music as well.


What is the most fun project you have done and why?

Well that´s many. Although I might say that this current project with releasing music in my own name is the most interesting, personal and important so far.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

To be with my friends and family, my kids and my girlfriend. I enjoy being outdoors and getting some exercise as well. I love to listen to different types of music, watch movies and documentaries. I also listen to the radio a lot! I also have an interest of cooking and wine.

What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while working on a project?

I don´t know if it´s considered as weird, but the day after the terror attack in Stockholm 2017, we performed at the jazz club Fashing with the band Caro & El Club. You could feel the pressure in the air, but that was a thing that made it important, as you can´t let things like that block you from living your life and go on.


Where are you in 10 years?

I hope to be able to keep on create and work as a pedagogue, which is the two things I love. Most likely I´ll be doing it somewhere where my kids will live (and maybe grandkids, who knows).

What is next for you now?

Next is to get out of bed after a terrible lumbago for three days. Today I finally made it on to my legs, so one step on the way. But after that, more single releases.

Follow Julian on Instagram : @julianvigil_music plus @prismagroup @tranki

Listen to: https://open.spotify.com/album/32gNwf288LwpHCCzAvkjKf?highlight=spotify:track:2v8RPOatjJUA9YvgbBUNCD

Photographed by Erica Bergsmeds

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