The Couture Brow by Suzanne Martin
Your eyebrows can make or break your face. Are they too thin and even too thick as we come to the end of the ‘Cara’ brow craze. One lady that can work magic with your brows and completely transform your face is former make-up artists and now semi-permanent eyebrow specialist Suzanne Martin who is based at the rather swanky Lansborough Hotel Club and Spa. She has created ‘The Couture Brow’ which transforms your face by enhancing what you already have in a natural way so there is no need to fear you’ll end up with eyebrows which look like they’ve been drawn on. She will create a look that is your own only better.
For over ten years she has been working as a semi-permanent make-up and Aesthetician so you know you are in safe hands when it comes to trusting her advice on how you should be wearing your brows, and I’d like to point out that she doesn’t really change them she just naturally enhances them making them the perfect shape and colour for your face.
Its weird as all my life I’d not really bothered about my brows – I never plucked them as they are naturally quite tidy and arch shaped and its only been the last three years that I actually started using a pencil so I was quite happy with them. However, after I met Suzanne I realised what I’d been missing out on. All of a sudden my face looked finished. I even had people asking me what I had done, and If I’d had some botox as I looked younger and fresher! Who would have thought a ‘new’ pair of eyebrows could make such a difference?
Photo By Erica Bergsmeds
I guess the point is that if you visit the right person then that’s when you see dramatic results in a positive way and Suzanne Martin is at the top of game. Her skill is apparent from the first moment you walk through the door, she is relaxed and confidant what she can achieve - she worked as a professional make-up artists for Dior so that says it all really – she understands the power of the brow!
It’s no wonder her clients travel from all over the globe to see her as I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my eyebrows after experiencing the ‘The Couture Brow’. Ladies, if you are going to do just one thing for the Christmas party season this year then I’d suggest it be ‘The Couture Brow’. You won’t regret it!
Words Kylie Olsson
To book an appointment with Suzanne, email or call +44 (0)20 7333 7064.