Clearing the Path: Daniel

Clearing the Path: Daniel

Look out, there's a new guru on the scene: Emotional Empowerment Coach and Speaker, Daniel Dzikowski! His passion is to guide people towards freedom by letting go and clearing their emotions. This emotional release is a healing mechanism that allows us to let go of that which no longer serves us and begin to discover a new sense of purpose.

Ask our Creative director Erica Bergsmeds, she’s a major fan of Daniel’s and his revolutionary therapy techniques.

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Tell us a bit about yourself and the work you do. What makes you strive and what is important in life?

I have defined myself in many ways over my lifetime. However, currently I see myself as an emotional empowerment coach and speaker. I also facilitate meditation classes for groups whether in the corporate world or at a personal level. These are specifically aligned with emotional transformation through the letting go process. Although this doesn’t encompass everything I do, it does enable me to put myself in a position to help others which is my main goal. 
Currently there is so much conflict in the world. It seems so many people are trying hurt each other. True connection and love are hidden from view. They are present but covered up by everything we have suppressed inside of us. I want to see a different kind of world, one which is free of hate, anger and conflict and I believe that it is possible to get there even within our lifetime. My job firstly is to remove all the barriers to love within myself. To see the world clearly, free from the distortion brought upon by my unresolved emotions. Then it is to help others do the same on an individual basis and then finally at a collective level.
The most important things in life are love and connection. This may sound like a cliché and it is but often we talk about these things, but we are putting on a mask. Deep down our hidden feelings cover up this love and connection so when talk about it, we don’t really feel it. We feel whatever is on top. This could be anger, fear, shame, guilt or a number of many other different types of feeling. True authenticity come when all those suppressed feelings are let go of.  
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How does each individual create a better life?

We must work within. We must look with honesty at ourselves and see what we are really carrying. The majority of humans carry a tremendous amount of suppressed feelings and it is these feelings that are responsible for all the conflict that exists on the planet not just on an individual basis but collectively too. When we are able to release these feelings without blaming another for them then we find we are no longer limited by them. We become more energetic, healthier and happier. 
A common example is the feeling of grief and most men carry a tremendous amount of this. This creates disconnection and that is why so many men do not experience a deep level of connection with their significant other. When you can let go of this grief then you will find that you start to reconnect not just with your partner but with everyone. Women experience the same but at a more subtle level. Many times, when people are angry, they are this way because their anger is actually covering up grief.    

What is the best way to cope with challenging people or circumstances?

The most important thing to understand is that everything happens to help you. If your husband, wife or anyone else is being difficult then hidden within that is a gift to help you integrate the very parts that you have rejected. These ‘parts’ are your suppressed and repressed feelings.
In other words, the universe brings you exactly what you need to help you heal. For instance, if you are carrying a lot of anger then the universe will bring you angry people. Their energy will trigger what is hidden inside of you and then you are given an opportunity to release or integrate it. If instead you blame and throw your anger back at them, you have misunderstood the deeper reason behind the situation and the cycle will continue. When you integrate your anger then life has no reason to bring you angry people because that anger has disappeared from within you. 
This is the most powerful way of dealing with people and circumstances. At this level you are dealing with the cause of why you experience life the way you do. Fundamentally put your suppressed emotions are the energetic attractors of people and circumstances into your life. The more you release, the happier you become and at that point you start being a true leader. Without releasing these stuck feelings your leadership cannot thrive.

#BLM: Thoughts on the movement 

I’m not sure about the movement itself but to me it is obvious that black lives matter. However, that statement is at a lower level of conscious then the statement lives matter. The statement Black Lives Matter creates separation where in reality there isnone. In fact, all such statements that reference race, religion or nationality create conflict and separation. To create a better world, we must go beyond attaching our identity to black, white or any other colour, nationality and religion. We must understand that at our core we are all one and there is no separation. Separation just a perceptual illusion that everyone believes but is in fact untrue. 
Racism is inherent in every human being, but it is extremely well hidden. As long as we have hidden suppressed emotions then racism will occur. This is natural and to be expected. We are angry not because situations make us angry but because anger is inside of us. To create a movement like Black Lives Matter won’t do anything in the long run because it doesn’t go deep enough to address our core feelings. If anything, it creates more drama. As soon as I say I am white or black I create separation and therefore a strong potential for conflict. To rid the world of racism, every individual has to let go of their own suppressed and repressed feelings.
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What’s next for you?

I am on a continuing journey to help create a better world. Whether it’s through my interaction with my family members, a stranger on the street or a one to one client, my goal is the same, create the most loving interaction I can in that moment. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. However, I am getting better at creating the kind of interactions that help instead of harm. I would also like to continue speaking on stage and really help people in understanding why it is so important to let go and to make this part of your moment by moment experience. 
Ultimately, for every individual it comes down to one thing; will. It is your will to create a better world that will make a difference. It doesn’t matter what technique or tools you use, it is the will to choose love over hate in each and every moment that will make a difference. 



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