Kaisa Hammarlund
Actress Kaisa Hammarlund came to London to go to drama school and never left. She fell in love here and trained in musical theatre and has over the years branched out to do more plays, tv and film. She also has a busy voice over career, plays a librarian in the Netflix series Hilda, a murderous Viking in the new Assassins Creed game and is filming Glow & Darkness - a new Tv series!!
As if all that wasn’t enough, Kaisa is also about to start filming “An Infamous Family: The Boleyns” for BBC Studios where she will be playing Queen Elizabeth I.
She tells us how she strives for diversity in her career and how she loves the mix of live theatre - where your nerves and adrenaline are flexed every night, to the technical challenges of film work.
Kaisa’s friends are hugely important to her, especially being in a foreign country and subsequently they have become her extended family and her home away from home. We Love you Kaisa, Can we be your family too?
Leather dress by H&M
Shirt: Vintage (Stylists own)
What has quarantine been like for you and going back in to it. Will you bring something positive from it?
Definitely mercurial. Some days have been long and lonely, with the panic of the uncertainty of it all. But the slower pace of life has been interesting and has forced me to be more introspective. Started online therapy during the first lockdown which has been intensely wonderful. I’ve also appreciated nature in a whole new way, as Londoners we’re really lucky to be surrounded by lots of greenery. This time around I’ll try and not put pressure on myself about being productive. Stop and take stock. Luckily I’m in Madrid filming for a bit for this lockdown so will be distracted by work, manchego and churros;)
What is your favourite memory and why?
Getting my first phone call to tell me that I got my first job. I was freshly out of drama school and had had 3-4 auditions for Mamma Mia the Musical in the West End. My agent called my landline (!) in my shared house and my flatmates danced around shouting in the living room when they heard. I had dreamt of being in the West End as a kid. And my dream had finally come true. That first job will always be special.
What is the one item you realise you can’t live without?
My phone..boring but true. It’s been a lifeline to my family and friends. And wine..
One thing that has kept you sane?
Bought a gold bike in the first lockdown and it’s the best buy ever. I love her! Also, my neighbour’s dog Mani, a bonkers Welsh Springer Spaniel who’s kept me fit and sane running me around Southwark Park. The happy disposition of a dog is a tonic to anyone’s blues.
Jumpsuit by Arshy’s
Leather dress by H&M
Shirt: Vintage (Stylists own)
What have you missed the most?
The excited murmur of an audience just before the curtain rises. Christ I miss live theatre..
First place you will travel to when things are back to normal?
I’m longing to go home and see my family in Sweden and hurl myself in the Swedish sea!
Who is your celebrity crush?
Where to begin? Talent and confidence is immensely sexy. A few people that spring to mind are: Cate Blanchett, Obama, Donald Glover, Michelle Williams, Susan Sarandon and Adam Driver.
Who is the messiest person you know?
My niece Linnea Gulé, a phenomenal dancer and model but she’s an absolute hoarder. She’ll kill me for saying that!
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen lately?
Obsessed with podcasts. Blame lockdown! How to Fail with Elizabeth Day is ace. Chats with interesting people from all facets of life talking about their so-called failures and how they grew from them.
What would you like remembered about you?
She gave it a good go! She was a good friend and always bought rounds in the pub.
Skirt and Jacket by Arshy’s
Vest by H&M
Skirt and Jacket by Arshy’s
Who is your inspiration?
My mother, my sister and my friends. Strong and feisty women who are quick to love and support you.
What’s your most annoying habit?
I HAVE to sleep on the left side of the bed..
What is it about the way you do what you do, that you feel might separate you from others?
Actors have weird and unpredictable schedules. I have missed out on countless weddings, funerals, holidays and parties, all because of a last minute job or audition. It can be both frustrating and heartbreaking but it comes with the territory. It’s a lifestyle, not a job.
whats the most fun project you have done and why?
Impossible to answer. Certain jobs are great for different reasons. The material, the part, the directors, the travel, the challenge, friends you make (money you make..) But I absolutely loved doing Fun Home at the Young Vic Theatre. An incredible play based on real events with immense heart and soul. A real honour. Playing Alison Bechdel in front of the real life Alison Bechdel will always be one of the highlights of my career.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Pickling and fermenting! I got a book for Christmas which I finally started using and I’ve had a great time making kimchi and loads of pickles. Kombucha is next. Otherwise I’m a keen Yogi and horse rider. I’ve ridden since I was a toddler and horses will always be very special to me.
Dress by Arshy’s
Jumpsuit by Arshy’s
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while working on a project?
A somewhat inebriated man got up on stage in the middle of my big song and proceeded to pee against the wings. I kept singing! He was escorted out;)
where are you in 10 years?
Accepting a Bafta..Accepting an Oscar. Dream big right?! ;)
What is next for you now?
I’m currently back in Madrid filming the TV-series Glow&Darkness for Amazon and Disney+ which we started shooting in January. A 12th Century period drama about the life of St Francis of Assissi. I hope the costume still fits..
A few other (secret for now!) film projects are also in the pipeline, if Covid allows us to continue to create art and entertainment. Hopefully the theatres will be back soon too. Art matters. We can’t live without art.
Actress Kaisa Hammarlund Instagram: @littleswede
Photographed by : Erica Bergsmeds @ericabergsmeds
Stylist: Lalla Bronshtein @lalla_uk
Make up Artist: Ninni Markund Mighty @NinniMighty
Producer: Noha Ismail
Creative director/art director Erica Bergsmeds