Isolation 2020 Project featuring Flo Chase
The gorgeous and talented Flo Chase was born in Paris. When Flo was 12 his family made the decision to move to Australia where Flo remained up until about two years ago when he and his brother, who is in music production, decided to move to L.A. (where he now has a band) in order to pursue their dreams and goals with their music careers. Flo told me his parents are super supportive of him, his brother and his sister. Flo is a truly gifted and talented singer/songwriter. He started to learn piano at the age of 7 and picked up the guitar when he was 10 years old.
Sport was always part of Flo’s daily routine, so it was natural that he would decide to study Sports Science at University. However, it quickly became apparent that that wasn’t the right path for him to follow. He dropped the sports studies and focused on his music. Flo tells me his style is indie pop/folk. Much of his fan base is in the USA, Europe and Australia. I, for one, am very happy that Flo decided to pursue his music as, otherwise, it would have been such a waste of the wonderful gift he has been blessed with!
I was lucky enough to be serenaded whilst taking Flo’s photographs for my project! My thanks to Flo’s girlfriend for help with the palm tree beach shots, good old technology playing up for me!
Flo is currently stranded in Tahiti due to Covid - I know, right, I can’t feel too sorry for him either as the island is stunning!! I certainly won’t forget speaking to him any time soon.
Tahiti hasn’t fared too badly during the pandemic and have, actually, mostly returned to normality. It is just travel to other countries that has, obviously, been difficult and hugely restricted.
Flo was stranded in Tahiti during the first worldwide lockdown, it could be worse…right?!
Flo’s advice during the pandemic is “Live as if you were to die tomorrow” – very wise words, in my opinion. One of the best lessons in life, I believe, is to learn to live life to the full each and every single day. You really do not know what is around the corner and just how quickly your life can change. I speak from much personal experience!
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow”
Like I mentioned before, there are worse places, to be stranded in lockdown, than the beautiful French Polynesian Islands. However, Flo, like most of us, has still had his worries. Many of his gigs have been cancelled for some time to come which leads to a massive financial loss for him and his team as gigs currently account for 80% of his career. Clearly there is still so much uncertainty out there as to when the entertainment industry can get back to performing to live audiences. #saveourarts is vital and it is thanks to so many people in the arts, fitness and wellness areas who have helped the majority of us survive these unprecedented times in isolation. What would we have done without them all?
Flo tells me that he has been grateful to have this time in isolation to really focus on his upcoming album “Toi” which means “You” in French. Flo has had the opportunity to do much of the background work, which has been helpful. Now it’s time for him to work on a recording deal.
“Now it’s time to work on a recording deal”
I have every faith that Flo will achieve all of his goals, he has a beautiful tone to his voice and has a really lovely soul to match. A really great guy who I got to have fun with and be beautifully serenaded by for a couple of days whilst he was in Tahiti via a dodgy Facetime link! Next time I hope to actually go to Tahiti in person and, who knows, maybe I can join Flo and his band on tour as his photographer. Wishing him all the luck as he realises his dreams.
Flo’s album ‘TOI’ is being released TODAY,
Friday 12th March, so go grab your copy now…
I caught up with Flo recently, during our third lockdown, and asked him a few more questions.
What have you been up to since we last talked?
I’ve been busy releasing new music. I’ve had three new singles and music videos come out and have my new album “Toi” dropping next Friday, March 12th 2021.
Now in our 3rd official lockdown, can you tell me how this one compares with the first for you?
I am currently visiting family in New Caledonia which is one of the few places that remains Covid free. It’s been really strange going back to somewhat “normal mask-less life” and being able to hug my close ones and play live shows again.
If you’re not in England, how many lockdowns have you experienced and what is it like right now for you where you are?
I’ve experienced two lockdowns, one back in April last year, when I last spoke with you, and one quarantining when I got here to New Caledonia. It’s been really refreshing and I am extremely grateful to be living in a Covid free environment. Playing live shows again, being able to socialize and even go back to a local gym has been so fulfilling.
What do you believe your experience of 2020 has taught you?
I think it has taught me lots of lessons. Firstly, to be grateful for my loved ones. Not taking the simple things such as health for granted. It’s also taught me to be patient and find different ways to spend my days.
Moving forward, is there anything you will approach differently, having experienced all that we have during this pandemic?
For sure, I think I’ll appreciate certain things way more than before such as going back on tour and being able to play to a live audience every night. I think I’ll also always make the time to catch up with family and the people I love.
Many have found this time incredibly tough for so many reasons. What would you say has been the hardest part of it for you to deal with?
I would definitely say being separated from my loved ones for so long.
I hope that you and your loved ones have fared well during this difficult time. Is there anything positive from this Covid experience that you will be able to reflect upon for the rest of your life?
For sure, I think there is always some sort of positive to take away from each situation. I think the main positive I will take away from this is togetherness.
Remember to grab your copy of ‘TOI’ TODAY!
Interview and Portraits by Dawn Collins